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Rehabilitation Home for Autistic and Mentally Retarded ( RHAM )


Background of The Organization

“We for gifted children” with this motto, RHAM started its journey on 15th April 2012 as a special school. Then only 6 students were admitted here. This organization is the result of the hard work and effort of an autistic child’s mother. Despite having limited ability, she is moving forward with strong morale and confidence. This organization is working to ensure social security, the inspiration of survival, social acceptance and to create employment opportunities. The employees of this organization are working relentlessly to create a suitable environment so that the neuro-developmentally disabled people can stay here safely with mental peace.

We want neuro-developmentally disabled people to become self-sufficient socially, financially and nationally. In short, different educational elements are provided here to make the  environment of the organization more child-friendly.

রেজিস্ট্রেশন ( Registration )

“Engineer Abul Kalam Trust” Reg. No.: S-11682 of 2013 Join stroke Company Societies. Registration Act XXI 1860.
Under it, this organization is running a project. The papers for the registration procedure are submitted to the Department of Children and Women’s Affairs. A registration procedure is under process in the Department of Social Services.

Our Goal (লক্ষ্য)

Supporting and serving neuro-developmentally disabled people to ensure their security, inspiration for survival, social acceptance, employment opportunity etc. RHAM is conducting its activities to find a rehabilitation home for these children so that they would not remain as burden on anybody when their parents would not remain with them anymore.

Our Vision (ভিশন)

Ensuring equal rights, dignity, equal opportunity, and equal participation for the neuro-developmentally disabled people [Intellectually disabled, Autistic, ADHD, Down syndrome, Cerebral Palsy disorder (CP), Development delay] as  normal people in their families, society and above all in our country.

উদ্দেশ্য ( Object )

ভবিষ্যৎ কার্যক্রম (Future Activities)

আমাদের সফলতা (Our Success)

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